Wednesday, April 11, 2007

" an aesthethic experience is more than the sum of its parts (knowledge, emotion, perceptual impact and communication): in fact it begins precisely when the various dimensions of consciousness meld together and we are no longer aware of "thinking", "feeling", "seeing" or "communicating" as separate processes. Total Immersion in the work of art is the magic experts and laypersons hope for when they visit a museum, but which they rarely attain."

CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, Mihaly, "Notes on Art Museum Experiences", Education in Arts, University of Chicago,1989, pag.5
(foto: alberto monteiro "a sagrada família-barcelona - série - cenários quase vazios"

1 comment:

ppenha said...

Eheh já a fazer o tpc... mt bem!
Tb já comecei a ler o meu Funch ;)